Thursday, August 6, 2009


i watch it spill.

it is slow and sweet.

breathing in then gushes ,

clinks and drops and bubbles
giggling and glances and sighs

more to be said with a bottle
under the uncaged sky.

stars so low you could catch them

witha minnow net like fireflies.
show me this new kind of reaction
and i promise an open mind.

clear and sparkling and smooth
rich and spicy and tart.
your thoughts and plans are hinting
what i didnt expect at the start.

The taste that lingers makes my lips smack.
its new and unsteady and strange
like land legs on a fishing boat
it leaves my chest full and constrained.

Robust flavors and undertones
of comforts, expectations and dreams
release the neck and pass the bottle
murmuring about things to be seen.

It's all new to me.

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