Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I know I have something to say, I mean I need to put down something. I'm starting to feel mildly bored and stagnant again, but I shouldn't even. I saw four small robins next to the gravelly sidewalk, running in their odd quick movements between blades of grass. It's such a nice day, winter is finally allowing his icy fingers to relax their freezing hold, and rosy Spring is peeking her warmth in small corners of the Earth. I read a beautiful poem today that my professor wrote. It's incredible and inspiring and all about rooms. I want to write one about pages. Or hands.

I want to write something but right now this is complete stream of conscious.

I'm angry because I want to go do something, but I have work at 230, I still have to shower, and I want to exercise too. I need good hiking shoes. I need it to be 60 degrees and not 40. This time of in betweens and waiting is the worst for me. Waiting for warmth, waiting for school to end, waiting for summer, waiting for responses, waiting for time, waiting to go to work, to then just wait some more. Wait Wait Wait. I'm bored. I wanna go. I guess, really, I'm the only one who can change that. Because it's just me here, typing away, alone in my house feeling restless. I can leave whenever I want, but where do I go? I hate time restrictions. I hate routine. I want to have the luxury to have my days hold nothing, a blank page everyday instead of resembling a planner or itinerary. Life is better lived unplanned.

Ok I'm going to go walk in Wompatuck, maybe I'll take my puppies. Or see if Paul would like to come. Even though I'm feeling very pensive and detached, surprisingly I don't really want to take this walk alone. I am actually starting to enjoy the company of others. I'll probably write more later on tonight, because though this helped, I still feel full and clouded. I'll be back.

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